Discover the reason why ProCROSS is the most efficient cross breeding system for dairy cows: VikingRed, Montbeliarde by Coopex & Holstein.

Capturing and sustaining heterosis is a key part of an efficient crossbreeding program. Once you experience the extra bonus of heterosis, it’s important not to diminish this effect to less than 75%. However, if only two breeds are used in the program, heterosis will drop to 50% in the second generation – leveling at a constant 67% in future generations. A system of four breeds results in even higher heterosis, leveling at 93%. But it is very hard to find four complementary, unrelated breeds which produce enough milk. ProCROSS is a three-breed rotation which generates optimum results and achieves an average heterosis of 86% through its entire duration.
“ProCROSS breeds are a perfect combination. These compensate and strengthen their specific traits.”